eCom upgrade tool

To market its flagship eCom platform, Lightspeed intended to make it easier for merchants to improve their eStores. According to exploratory UX research, the user journey for upgrading an eStore had two key stages. The solution for the first stage, Learn & Decide, involved designing a landing page with information architecture tailored to the targeted user groups in order to assist them in making a decision. A 4-step self-served tool was designed to guide merchants through the upgrade process. Given the importance of estore to our users, we chose an upgrade process with a 30-day trial period to allow merchants customise and learn the new platform. Three teams worked closely together to ensure that user needs are addressed and the UX is intuitive and consistent. The project was launched in 2022 and allowed dozens of users to successfully upgrade to the new eCom platform.
My role: I was a product designer on the multi-functional team (product manager, product designer, tech lead, 5 developers, QA specialist) that designed and developed the landing page and the upgrade tool, and ensured data transfer. I was responsible for solution exploration and design, including user research, journey maps and detailed flows, wireframes and initial mock-ups.
Main impact: Through user research, I could show the importance of incentivizing users and the value of the trial period during upgrade process. These finding were reflected in the UX solution and influenced the data transfer implementation.

Explore and understand
To get more insights about solutions, I organized and facilitated user interviews and a conversational-led design ideation session. This ideation technique can be an effective route to a natural user experience and is a great base for information architecture and user flow mapping. The UX research gave us a good understanding of the main upgrade steps, user main goals, needs and expectations at each step of the journey.
I use user journeys+blueprints and value proposition canvas methods to organise the insights and map the information about user goals and special needs as well as solution ideas at every stage of the process.

Incentivize and guide
To help us explore the solutions in more details I used Value Proposition Canvas, a framework which can help us ensure that solution is positioned around customer values and needs.

Three teams worked in close collaboration on various features (informing, data transfer, eCom theme selection, onboarding, etc.) to ensure upgrade satisfies user needs and the UX is intuitive and consistent.
Our team was responsible for informing and incentivising the users, data transfer, and creating the tool to help users manage the upgrade. Based on the research and synthesis of all the information we adopted the two-part solution approach:
1. a landing page to incentivize users and give them access to all information they might need
2. a 4-step upgrade wizard to guide users through upgrade flow.

Based on the value proposition canvas and in collabiration with the new platform team, the content model was built for the landing page followed by the low-fi wireframes.

To respond to the needs of our merchant, I opted for a four-step self-serve wizard as a solution for the upgrade tool. It allows a 30-day trial period, during this time merchants can ensure all data is transferred, select the theme, customise the new site, set up its features, and last but not least(!) – transfer domain name to a new store. The developers came up with a great solution of 2-step data transfer, so that users can have real data available in a new store during the trial.


Due to company policies and confidentiality agreements, I do not share all visual materials for this project.